The trick to a healthy lawn is simple—don’t overthink it. Employ some basic tips and watch your lawn thrive!
Everyone wants a beautiful yard that is inviting, lush, and beautiful. While some trends are away from planting and growing grass, for many people that vision still means a healthy, lush, green lawn. The truth is that a beautiful lawn doesn’t happen on its own in any climate or region. They take planning and commitment to keep them thriving and manicured into lawn perfection.This doesn’t have to translate into a never-ending season of strife and hardship as your wrestle your lawn into compliance. Sometimes less is more. If your goal is a beautifully green and healthy lawn around your home or property, read on for some great simple tips.
Mow Less Often
This one might seem counterintuitive, but it’s an important tip. Don’t cut your grass too often (but also don’t cut it too rarely). If your healthy lawn goals are related to putting your home on the market, you should definitely cut it before showings, but generally, it is okay to let the grass grow a bit. The ideal height of your grass should be 3-3.5 inches tall. Once it is between 4 and 5 inches tall, you should cut it. You want to only be taking about 1/3 of the grass blade’s length when you cut it. If you are currently mowing your grass every weekend out of habit, you aren’t letting the grass grow enough to establish strong roots. The roots grow in proportion to the blade – if the blade never gets tall, the roots won’t go deep.
Not So Short
Also, don’t cut it too short. The opposite tactic of cutting the lawn every single week is to cut it super short so that you can go longer without having to cut it again. This is also bad for the grass. Grass is a plant and makes its energy through photosynthesis. Without enough grass blade area to perform photosynthesis, the grass won’t be able to make enough energy to be healthy and thrive. Letting the blades get long helps, but not cutting them too short is the best bet.
Don’t Overwater
Generally, this area gets a pretty good amount of rain each summer. Unless we find ourselves in a drought, we usually don’t need to worry about watering the grass (and during drought conditions we’re usually not allowed to). The grasses that do well in this area are pretty tolerant of our summers and actually many tend to go into dormancy during the extremely oppressive heatwaves. If your grass is dormant, it is resting and doesn’t need water – and watering it or applying fertilizer during that time can do more harm than good.
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Please find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!