Planting grass seed might not seem overly complicated at first.
Planting grass seed might not seem overly complicated at first. But it’s a specialized technique that the average homeowner or business owner might not understand. That’s why there is a wide variety of different questions related to it. Here are some of the answers to help ease your confusion.
Why Isn’t My Grass Growing?
It all depends on the environment around your lawn. There are many different reasons why your grass isn’t growing. Even if you distributed it evenly, it could just be stubborn and uncooperative. For instance, there might not be enough water available due to drought – or too much water from fierce rainstorms. You could also be overusing weed control products in an attempt to improve the aesthetic appeal of your yard. Something could also be wrong with the soil underneath the grass seed, especially if there are enough nutrients around.
What is Overseeding?
In some cases, you will have to resort to overseeding to see anything happen. Overseeding is a technique where you add more grass seed to a patch of lawn that is already growing quite happily. This helps to thicken the turf and help make the sod more resilient in times of inclement weather. Heat and drought are two of the biggest problems during the summer, but you’ll also want to do your best to ward off insect attacks and disease outbreaks that could ruin your lawn along with gardens, shrubs, and trees – any greenery that you want to use to help boost your curb appeal.
How Do I Fill in Bald Patches?
Overseeding only becomes necessary if the entire lawn has seen better days. If only some parts of your yard are withered, browning, or going bald, then you have other options for helping it look its best again. Start by disposing of dead grass that is in the way and then break up the soil underneath it so that it’s looser than it was before. Then seed the area, but make sure you can still see some of the ground. Add water until you reach saturation point, but don’t overdo it. Give the grass some time to grow – at least until it reaches three inches.
How Long Does Grass Seed Last?
Your last question could have to do with the expected lifespan of grass seed instead of what you can do with it. Be sure to keep all of your grass seed in a cool, dry place that you can access. This will help your seed last anywhere from 2-3 years. Fresh seed works better, but older seeds can still germinate.
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early, and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!