Taking care of lawn problems isn’t always easy.
Taking care of lawn problems isn’t always easy. For instance, your grass might be too thin, or there are unusual bare spots that you don’t know what to do about when it comes to lawn care. You might also have to worry about grubs, weeds, crabgrass, or odd stripes of yellowness. Here is more information about what you need to know!
Thin and Bare
Before we go on, let’s look at two of the more common problems you will see when it comes to taking care of your lawn. Bad weather can help wear down the grass, as can your kids and pets running around on it. If you see your grass thinning out like a receding hairline, then it’s time to do some overseeding. You will need grass seed, fertilizer, and soil improver – all three of which will be a big boost. Be careful when mowing, raking, or spreading fertilizer on the lawn, too. Make sure that the blade height isn’t too low or too high and use different spreaders depending on the size of your lawn, yard, or garden.
Brown Spots
Here’s another issue: does your lawn look brown when it shouldn’t? Grubs, fungus, and foot traffic could all be at the root of this problem. Weeds dying could also cause this problem, along with wild animals digging into your yard. Use fungicides to get rid of fungus growth and seed patch and repair products to undo the brown spots caused by foot traffic and dead weeds that need to be removed.
Grub Infestation
Grubs can also be a huge headache if you allow them to spread unchecked throughout your lawn. Set up your spreader with anti-grub control products while your lawn is still dry. Then add some water to activate it. It’s as easy as that. Need more information on how to deal with grubs? Look here.
Weeds and Crabgrass
It’s easy enough to think that just pulling up weeds is all you need to do, but no. There are gardening products you can use to deal with both weeds and crabgrass and keep them from coming back and ruining your carefully-cultivated lawn-space.
Yellow Stripes
If you see weird yellow stripes, then it’s another problem. This condition means that the fertilizer wasn’t applied correctly. Overlap each pass when you use your spreader. The grass that doesn’t get enough fertilizer will look yellow when considered alongside all of the other grass that has received enough food to make them look lush and green, which is what you wanted in the first place.
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early, and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!