Zoysia sod turns into Zoysia grass, which is known for its lovely jade green color.
A lawn with a brand new layer of Zoysia sod will soon turn into a beautiful, natural green yard. Zoysia grass is a type of plant native to Asia known for its emerald green color and supple appearance. It is a prevalent choice with many homeowners. Zoysia sod comes in many different varieties, such as marvel, meyer, el toro, and zeon, all of which produce a distinct look. Luckily, Zoysia sod is relatively easy to cultivate into a lovely lawn by the springtime. Here are some suggestions on properly caring for your Zoysia sod lawn for a perfectly manicured yard.
Watering your Zoysia Sod
All plants thrive with plenty of water, so make sure not to forget to water your sod. After the sod installation process is complete, it’s essential to keep it moist so the grass seeds can germinate inside the soil. Once the sod has taken root into the ground, watering is not as important—only water the grass when the blades begin to show signs of wilting. A patch of Zoysia sod should receive around 1 inch of water every week in the long term. However, this, of course, depends on the weather and temperature. Try a sprinkler system to maintain it during the dryer months.
Mowing the Lawn Frequently
After the Zoysia sod has ultimately grown into the soil, wait until it has grown to around 2-3 inches per blade. This is an ideal time to start mowing the new lawn for the first time. Set the lawnmower to about 1-2 inches in height, and trim away! A Zoysia lawn should be mowed every 5-15 days, depending on the weather and fertilization frequency. Also, make sure to never begin mowing until the sod has completely set. Otherwise, you can accidentally rip out the soil’s seedlings, which can cause bald patches in the grass where nothing grows.
Fertilize Quarter Annually
To ensure a healthy green, it’s essential to feed your lawn. Fertilizing should be done 3-4 times per year, starting in the late springtime up until late Fall. However, don’t overdo it. Overfertilizing can create unnecessary landscaping work by allowing the grass to overgrow. Zoysia grass typically requires 1 or 2 pounds of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet per year.
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Please find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!