If you would prefer to stay at home, then maybe now is the time to figure out which type of grass is the right fit for your lawn!
Time flies, doesn’t it? We’re already halfway through January. Although it doesn’t seem like it, winter is almost on its way out. Unusually warm temperatures might coax you to go outside and work in your garden or take a day to go hiking. If you would prefer to stay at home, then maybe now is the time to figure out which type of grass is the right fit for your lawn!
Different Types to Consider
Before you can get started, learning some necessary terminology will help you get a handle on what you are supposed to do. Grasses are normally divided into two groups: creeping and bunch. Creeping grasses are probably iconic varieties you have heard of before – Bermuda, bluegrass, and several other types of warm-season grasses. One thing that these grasses all have in common is the runners that they depend on; these runners establish themselves either above ground or just beneath the surface. This tendency allows them to spread out and flourish, but one common problem that they all suffer from is thatching.
You might be wondering how bunch grasses are any different. They start growing at the crown and work their way down. Fescue and ryegrass are two of the varieties you will find here. After you decide to plant these grasses, your job isn’t done. That’s because they need some maintenance in the form of mowing. Mowing them allows them to thrive.
Cool-Weather Friends
Let’s have a look at some other options for you. Consider these: bentgrass, bluegrass, fine fescue, and tall fescue. These grasses like it in the cold and even grow better in them. However, the cool-weather season is almost over. Even so, this just means that you can focus your efforts on grasses that will enjoy being in the upcoming warmth of spring and summer!
Warm-Weather Friends
We mentioned Bermuda grass earlier, but it isn’t the only one of its kind! Some of its friends include bahiagrass, centipede, Zoysia, and St. Augustine. Homeowners in the transition zone between areas where different grasses thrive may find that their results may vary. Although this sounds intimidating, it just means that you will probably need to spend more time researching different seed blends to see which ones germinate in your lawn and which ones don’t!
Have More Questions? Stay in Touch!
Order early, and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!
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