Why doesn’t your sod seem to be taking root and growing as you expected? There are actually some fairly common explanations.
You had dreams all winter long about the lush, beautiful green lawn that you would have this summer. You did your research. You choose high-quality sod from a reputable supplier. You were expecting a well-established and thriving lawn by now. You expected summer picnics and barbecues on the patio with lush, healthy grass and impeccable landscaping to your property line. So why isn’t it happening? Why doesn’t your sod seem to be taking root and growing as you expected? There are actually some fairly common explanations. Read on.
Sod Is Too New
It may seem like you’ve been waiting forever for your new sod to take root, but have you actually? Newly laid sod takes about 6-8 weeks to take root in the soil and grow. In that time, the sod is definitely doing important growing, but it isn’t growing, you’ll be able to see. The roots of the grass plants are growing down and getting established. If you installed your new sod in late May, you may not have given it enough time to get established yet. If you’re still within that window, you should still be doing that sod maintenance schedule that your supplier told you about water every day for the first four weeks, then every other day for the next four weeks. Between weeks 6 and 8, test the rooting of the sod by pulling a clump straight up. The roots are established if it holds, and the blades should start growing soon.
You’re Mowing Too Short
Once your roots are established, you might undermine your sod if you mow it too short. Follow our tips for mowing your sod and keep your mower height to 2” or more. When you mow the grass too short, you limit its ability to perform photosynthesis, and you could actually kill your lawn.
Water Is The Issue
If the issue isn’t mowing, it could be watering. Both over-watering and under-watering could cause your grass to stop growing. After the first eight weeks have passed, decrease your watering schedule to 1-2 times per week. Your lawn’s watering needs will be greater in the heat of summer and less in the other months. You should also follow the weather so that you don’t overwater by watering when it is going to rain.
Your Nutrient Levels Are Off
Ideally, you tested your soil before you laid new sod and remediated it so that you had ideal nutrient levels. Once you lay the sod, you should not fertilize the lawn in those first eight weeks. After the sod is established, you can fertilize three times per year, but the type you use and the schedule should be specific to your type of grass.
Get Your Yard Ready for Summer!
Since our inception from a humble 30-acre field to over 4,500 acres of turf grasses, Quantico Creek Sod Farm is now the LARGEST SOD FARM IN THE TRI-STATE AREA. Our service areas cover Pennsylvania, Maryland, DC Delaware, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. Order early and order often to ensure the best service possible. Contact us through our online page. Please find us at 27616 Little Lane, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Our phone number is 410-726-6103, and our fax number is 410-742-6550. Speak to Jason Anderson for Turf Grass Sales. Reach him by email at jason@quanticocreeksod.com. Finally, follow us on social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!