Managing a brand new lawn in the winter can be a tall task. Even as fall turns into winter, some days will be warmer than others. This can make everything you do feel like it isn’t having any effect. Still,… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘lawn care’
4 Winter Lawn Care Tips
It won’t be long now until winter is here for real. The arctic blast covering roughly two-thirds of the eastern United States isn’t fun by any stretch of the imagination. That means it can be difficult enough to go outside… Read More
Go Green with an Environmentally-Friendly Lawn
Did you know that your lawn is good for the environment? Many homeowners can’t tell the difference between turf and sod, but both have their merits. Building up an environmentally-friendly lawn is much easier than you might think, especially if… Read More
Getting Rid of Dollarweed
Many homeowners might not know what dollarweed is. It is, of course, a type of weed. It is also known as pennywort and grows every year in the summertime between July and August when small white flowers begin to bloom…. Read More
Leaves of Grass: Dealing with Lawn Care in the Fall
Dealing with your lawn can be confusing. After all, what should you do if the leaves keep falling onto it? Believe it or not, putting off chores like raking the blades could be beneficial and not harmful. Let’s find out… Read More
Feeding Your Lawn in the Fall
Believe it or not, you can continue to feed your lawn even when the warmth of summer goes away. Fertilizer is the secret weapon that many homeowners use to ensure that their lawns remain beautiful all year long. It’s not… Read More
Different Ways to Water Your Lawn
For some people, their lawn is the pride and joy of their home landscaping. For others, it is just the greenery that connects the garden and the flower beds and the water feature and the outdoor living space. Either way,… Read More
Putting Together The Grass For Your New Lawn
Planting your own lawn is possible. Even so, don’t be afraid to get professionals to help you with it. This can be a long and complicated process that you want to be sure goes the way you want it to…. Read More
Lawn Care Tips: Dealing with Fire Ants
Taking care of your yard is a matter of pride. That’s why no matter how hot it gets outside, you always do your best when it comes to lawn care. Even if you managed to make sure that the sod… Read More
Considerations for Watering Your Lawn
Giving your lawn too much water can be disastrous. But as a heatwave reaches the Maryland region, then you need to know how to deal with any potential water shortages. Water carefully and smartly, and you can avoid oversaturation.