Don’t fall prey to the myths about cold weather yardwork. Here is a guide that will help you unlock the secrets of seeding and feeding during the fall!
You might be wondering how you’re supposed to take care of your lawn in the fall. After all, won’t the sod dry up, and the roots will suffocate? That is a common misconception. Don’t fall prey to the myths about cold weather yardwork. Here is a guide that will help you unlock the secrets of seeding and feeding during the fall!
Fill in Any Bald Spots
Sunscald can do a number on all of the plants and blades of grass on your lawn. With the weather cooling now that summer is over, the punishing heat waves of a few months ago should be behind us now. One of the reasons to consider seeding your lawn during the autumn months is to help fill in any bald spots that you find. Using hand rakes or other tools is a simple method of opening up the dirt and loosening the soil so that you can add more grass seed and let it settle. That way, the roots will be able to find a new place to stay. The last step is to water the seeds and keep them hydrated without flooding them.
Manage Overseeding
Overseeding may sound like the opposite of what you want to do, and that’s understandable. Still, if you can overcome your initial hesitation, you may find yourself surprised by the results. Overseeding thickens the grass if it is too thin, which is excellent news for you. Are you concerned that your lawn might not last the winter? Then overseeding is the way to go. Grass seed, fertilizers, and soil enhancers are mixed to create a nutritious blend for your lawn. Put your mower on one of the lowest settings it has; you don’t want to cause more damage by accident! Cut the grass until it is a maximum of two inches. Rake the lawn again, perhaps to remove stray leaves, and be sure to water regularly!
Feeding Time for Your Lawn
Finally, it’s time to think about how to feed your lawn for the next several months. It’s still early enough in the fall that not too much time has passed since the autumn equinox. Use some fertilizer now and then wait. Around the beginning of November or as late as the weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday, hit it with another round of fertilizer. The lawn will be stronger in the spring, and you can also repel potential pests such as dollarweed and fire ants.
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